Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
A Hawk’s eye view on the weather

On display at Leisure Industry Week recently was the WeatherHawk Weather Station, designed for leisure, home, educational, environmental or industrial applications.

WeatherHawk is designed for easy installation and for use by anyone with limited experience of traditional weather station equipment and is suitable for less demanding applications not requiring a scientific-grade weather station. It is pre-programmed to provide simple meteorological data, including the calculation of evaporotranspiration, typically used for turf grass management.

The system will provide measurements of air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, rainfall, solar radiation, wind direction and wind speed.

The Weather Station is supplied with Virtual Weather Station (VWS) software, other software options being available to enhance its capabilities.

The unit – only available on-line – is fully assembled and comes with ground or wall support mounting options.

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